How to Play Beetle Frenzy

Beetle Frenzy is a fun game. It is easy to learn and great for kids and adults. Here’s how to play.

What You Need

You need a game board, dice, and beetle pieces. Each player gets a beetle piece. The board has spaces for each player.

Setting Up

First, place the board on a flat surface. Each player picks a beetle piece. Put all pieces at the start line.

How to Play

  1. Roll the Dice: The first player rolls the dice.
  2. Move Your Beetle: The number on the dice tells you how many spaces to move.
  3. Collect Parts: If you land on a part of the beetle, you can take it. The parts are the head, body, legs, and wings.
  4. Complete Your Beetle: The goal is to collect all parts to finish your beetle.

Winning the Game

The first player to collect all parts and reach the finish line wins.

Tips for Fun

Tips for Fun

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  • Play with friends or family for more fun.
  • Take turns rolling the dice.
  • Keep track of who has which parts.

Beetle Frenzy is a great way to have fun and bond with others. Enjoy the game!

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